viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Initial reflection

This semester is very important because we will see topics that will help us because, as we know, differential calculus has different applications in math, but also in other types of sciences.

With this electronic portfolio I expect to create an easier way to study at the end of the semester, without the necesity to look back at the modules and recall every detail we saw in class. I believe this will be a better way to solve the doubts that I could get when I study for the final exam. Another thing I want to do with this portfolio is to give the opportunity to other people to see the activities and evidences of the work I put in during the semester and also help them with their questions or doubts about the specific themes included in this portfolio.

My commitments on this semester is to understand the topics and do my best to get good grades, even if I won´t study anything related to math, I want to keep developing the reasoning and problem solving ability, because I believe that several abilities that are developed while thinking and solving problems such as in math classes, can help us solve conflicts in many different aspects.